Day in the Life — Admin Slayer™

....of Ellen!

5:30 am Wake up. Yes, I know it is early. But I love to have my coffee and quiet time before anyone else wakes up.

6:00 am Check my emails and my task list. Answer the easy emails. Write down a task for the ones that need more thought.

7:00 am Wake my children up. Get myself and them ready for day. Pack lunches and school bags. Have my second cup of coffee while talking with my kids about the plans for after school (who goes where).

8:30 am Kick everyone out of the house - kids to school and husband to work.

9:00 am Enjoy the quiet for a couple of moments and clean up. Cross my fingers that I don’t get a phone call/text that something was left behind.

9:15 am Turn on music , open Quickbooks Online and start my task list. My task list could be anything from bank reconciliations, GST returns, invoicing, payroll, posting bills, matching bank transactions, setting up direct debits to pay client’s bills or even fixing unbalanced books.

11:45 am Remember that my oldest is coming home for lunch and that I probably should make something for us to eat.

12:00 pm Make and eat lunch. Today, it is nachos.

12:50 pm Send my daughter back to school. Hopefully with all her volleyball stuff as she has a game after school in the neighbouring town. Lucky for me, it is not my week to drive.

1:00 pm Get back to work on my task list.

3:00 pm Walk to the school to pick up my youngest. My oldest is at volleyball and my middle is at dance so that leaves me to pick up my youngest; otherwise he would just stay at the park until dark.

3:30 pm Snack time!!

4:00 pm Clean up and do a load of laundry.

5:00 pm Pick up my middle child from dance.

5:15 pm Start supper.

6:00 pm Eat supper as a family. On this day, my oldest and hubby walk in just as the food is hitting the table.

6:30 pm Hang out as a family, often going for a walk, but not today as it’s snowing outside.

8:00 pm Kids get ready for bed and spend quiet time in their rooms.

9:00 pm Time for me to relax.
