...of Brittany
5:30 am My husband’s alarm clock goes off and we begrudgingly get our day started. For the next 20 minutes or so, I enjoy a hot cup of coffee while the house is quiet.
6:00 - 8:45 am This part of my morning is a blur. I pack my son’s lunch for school and prep my own. My husband leaves for work by 6:30 am and then I get the kids up, help my youngest get dressed and help my oldest make his bed. The three of us have breakfast together and then pile into the truck to drop off my youngest at daycare. I make it back home in time to play soccer for a few minutes with my oldest before his bus comes - and we ALWAYS listen and play along to Crush Rush on our local morning radio station.
8:45 am The mayhem of the morning is over! I usually spend the next 20-30 minutes squeezing in a workout. If I don’t do it now, I will never get around to making the time.
9:15 am It’s time to start my paid work day! I log in to my Admin Slayer email and Slack to check for any new messages or tasks that have come in since the end of my last work day. I respond as needed. There is an internal Admin Slayer document that I need to review for the team so I open up the document in Google Docs and make some suggested edits. I complete my task in Asana and tag the team to let them know it’s ready for the next step.
9:45 - 11:30 am I have a morning break built into my schedule on certain days. I use this time to run errands, do groceries, household chores, eat lunch, or sometimes just enjoy the peace and quiet of being home alone (I’m kidding, there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done).
11:30 am I review and update an agenda ahead of a call scheduled for noon. I respond to a Slack from a co-slayer who has questions about how to do something for a client.
12:00 - 1:00 pm I attend a bi-weekly Zoom call with our Admin Slayer execs and other team leads. During this call, we check in with each other, discuss any roadblocks we are experiencing, and discuss some upcoming internal events that we are planning. I find these calls super helpful - when I’m struggling with a piece of client work or not sure how to approach a conversation, the team always has helpful suggestions that I don’t always think of. It’s also just great to check in with each other.
1:00 - 2:30 pm I’m finally checking in to my first true client. Client A is very busy and often has a hectic schedule. I log into our admin Gmail account to check on any emails or tasks that have come in. Client A has sent some voice notes via Google Chat which I listen to. I make notes on existing tasks in Asana and add a couple new ones. Then I review the emails. In one of the voice notes, Client A provided instructions on what to include in response to an email that had come in, so I tackle that one first. I go into the client file in GDrive to find a document that I need to send. There are also a number of meetings I need to schedule and reschedule. As Client A is Google-based, we have set up a Zoom add-on to her calendar so we just have to click a button to add the Zoom meeting links to the calendar invite - this saves me so much time! I spend an hour sorting out the scheduling, sending out invites, reminders and adding holds to spots in the calendar while I wait for confirmations. Then it’s on to check what tasks I have for today in Asana. It’s month end so it’s time to prepare for Client A’s invoicing. I add the last of the timesheets into Quickbooks Time and create a PDF report in Adobe to see the billable client hours for the month. I open up Quickbooks Online and prepare a few draft invoices based on the billable hours. I save each of these PDFs, attach them to the Asana task and send it to Client A for review, along with the timesheet billing report.
My final to-do item for Client A is to prepare a contract for a new client that is onboarding. Client A utilizes PandaDoc for this. We already have templates prepared for all the different types of contracts we need, so I make a copy of the template that I need and add in the new client details and set up the electronic signature blocks. PandaDoc can create a secure link which I can send to the new client to get their signature - it’s quick and easy! I draft a new email in my Gmail based on our existing template, insert the contract link and send out to the new client, with a cc to Client A. I update my task in Asana and sign out of Client A’s systems. There are other tasks to do but I know my co-slayer will log in a little later to handle them.
2:30 - 3:15 pm Client B is also Google-based. I log in to my admin Gmail account and client Slack channel. I see a note to add new contact details into Pipedrive, which is the CRM that Client B uses to track her sales pipelines. I add in the new client information, create a new deal and then it’s time to draft the Client Services Agreement. I have a template created so all I have to do is add in the new client information and upload to Docusign. I set up the Docusign envelope with the new client particulars, add blocks for their signature and send it out. I update Pipedrive to reflect that the CSA has gone out for signature and let Client B know via Slack. There are two emails that I respond to, and a notification email that a Client has uploaded new documents to their Sidedrawer account, which is a secure platform we utilize for storing important Client documents. I log into my account to access the Client file, review the documents that were uploaded, rename them in accordance with Client B’s preferred name protocols and move two of the documents to a more appropriate folder. I also need to update an internal document with some of the information that the Client provided, which I locate in Client B’s GDrive. I slack Client B to let them know what I’ve completed for the day and then log out.
3:15 - 7:45 pm I spend 20 minutes prepping dinner before my husband gets home and takes over while I run out to pick up our daughter from daycare. By the time I get back home, my son is home from school and the two kids beg for snacks as if they’ve been starved all day. The next few hours are a whirlwind of dinner, Jeopardy, dishes, homework, family time and bedtime. If it’s nice enough outside, we try to go for a family walk before bed.
7:45 - 9:30 pm My husband and I finish cleaning up and then watch TV and catch up with each other before we force ourselves to go to bed at a reasonable hour. I spend about 20 minutes reading my current book: When the World Fell Silent by Donna Jones Alward before it’s lights out!