Admin Slayer™

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A Day in the Life

...of Sam

9:15 am

I’m up! I’m up! I swear! This night owl enjoys a later wake up time.

9:30 am

I’m in the kitchen whipping up breakfast for my little fur family: Neo and Emmie, the cats, are set on making sure I remember where their food bowls are (as if I could have forgotten such a thing overnight!) and Parker, the golden retriever, happily rolls around in the grass outside while I prepare his breakfast. Once everyone finishes eating, I brew up the one and only cup of coffee I have for the day and then it’s off to work!

10:00 am

Parker is already in the office waiting for me - he’s such a good assistant (though hard to delegate to…). I open up my Calendar and review my priority tasks I've set for myself for the day. I check my Slacks, emails, edit a few sections in my internal client procedure manuals, then it’s time for Client #1.


After responding to the fresh emails in the client’s inbox, I check their ActiveCampaign for any new client project management tasks and Planner for their internal project tasks. Process writing is a major part of the services we Slayers provide to clients, and I spend a good amount of time reviewing the updates we’ve made over the last few weeks to ensure the details are captured.

12:30 pm

Hubby is up from working the graveyard shift so we enjoy breakfast together. He tells me about his night and I tell him about my day so far. Parker gets his quota of toast (his fair rate for being my assistant) and then I head back for Client #2.

1:30 pm

Neo, my cat, has settled into his office bed, acting as primary overseer of my work day. As he snoozes on the job, I check Salesforce for any internal tasks. This client has a few accounts we need to follow up on. I make a few calls to companies to check in on account transfers and update each corresponding task with relevant information. Once follow ups are complete, I can fill out an application form to facilitate transferring some accounts to a new company. Form filling makes most people cringe, but it’s the kind of work I love.

3:30 pm

Break time and work out time! Hubby and I jam out to some tunes and I work on my bench press in our garage gym. This is a great way to keep my body moving as much as my brain does while I work. After a good weight session, we take Parker for a walk around the park. The path we take is almost always the same, but the conversation never is.

5:00 pm

I keep hubby company while he gets ready for his second night shift. We say our goodbyes and I jump back into work, this time for Client #3. It’s so nice to have the flexibility to work for clients during irregular work times, especially for people like me who enjoy staying up late!

5:30 pm

I start with some email management and then jump into Harvest to run time reports for all the client’s projects that need to be invoiced for the month prior.

7:00 pm

Done for the day! Time for a shower. I find night showers act as a good reset and help clear my mind from the business of the day so I can get some good shut eye. I have a snack and wind down with a show. Parker prances into the office and looks at me. “No, silly,” I tell him, “We are clocked-out for the day!” He thinks he runs this place sometimes!

8:00 pm

Dinner time for the pets. I do a little bit of house cleaning and jot down some ideas I have for improving one of my clients’ processes. One more show and then it's bedtime.

10:30 pm

Off to bed! I read a chapter or two of the book I’m reading as Parker snores away at my feet.

11:00 pm

Good night everyone!