Admin Slayer™

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Delegate Like it's Your Job: Part 2

Last month, we talked about how to start delegating. Your first step was to list all the tasks you do in a given week, to give you an idea of the specific tasks you could be delegating. That was just the beginning.

You’re about to take your delegation to the next level.

In this exercise, you’ll make a list of all the friction points in your business, and how you are currently trying to address them.

The idea here is to stay open to the possibility that there might be even more effective ways to handle your business challenges than the solutions you’re already considering. Below, we’ve provided some examples of common business challenges, along with actual solutions we ended up implementing for our own clients. These may or may not apply exactly to your specific situation, but you can see that there’s usually more than one way to solve a given problem.

Friction Points: Examples

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What's Next?

On Page 54 of The Art of Delegation, you’ll find a blank Worksheet: My Friction Points that you can fill out with your own specific challenges and the solutions you think you need. Then, show the list to your partner, your coach, or your friendly neighbourhood Admin Slayer, to get some insight into alternative solutions.