Admin Slayer™

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January Update

Is it safe out there yet?

You’re a few weeks into 2021 and, like everyone else, might be feeling more than a little cautious about how you transition into this new year. We know, in previous years, you may have come out of the gates with fistfuls of new ideas and a heart burning with fiery energy. This year, however, you may be lightly tip-toeing on what feels like delicate, delicate eggshells.

We get it. Last year was tough. We don’t know that this year is going to be any different and you know what? January is tough. It always is - and this year might be even harder.

Anyhow, now might not yet be the time for vision boarding, setting new goals, or trying out new things (though if you are, read this first). Now might be the time for something quite a bit different:


We have learned, over the years, through many, many test runs that you need to stop and refuel in order to move ahead. The last year was stuffed with global crises and it’s basically impossible that you didn’t personally experience that stress.

While you may want to leap forward into the next new thing right now (we feel you!), we hope you will step back for a second and rebuild your resilience - and engage in the next step after crisis management: crisis recovery.

The Admin Slayer theme this year is all about recovery. Even if there will be crises along the way - and January has already told us this is likely - it’s important that we recover after each one, regaining our strength and building energy for the next.

Each month, we’ll be talking about a different component of recovery, starting with this month’s Taking Stock, and moving on from there to leadership, strategy, staffing, marketing, finances, business development, technology, and much, much more.

Not only are we sharing what we have learned, but we are also inviting experts we know in each area to weigh in and share their wisdom with you. Stick with us all year long as we learn, together, how not only to survive but to thrive after constant, unrelenting crises.

Before you dig into our heady new theme (which you will love, we assure you!), you might want to stop and find out what a Day in the Life is like for Kristi, our Industrious Slayer. This boss, ranch-managing hockey mom deftly coordinates multiple schedules in her household, inside multiple businesses, and still has time for projects. They say if you want something done right, give it to a busy person - and Kristi proves that she is that busy person getting it right, each minute of the day.