You did it!

You made it through the first few weeks of September. Trust us, it’s an achievement in and of itself. 

Most people who had taken summer holidays have returned. School, in whatever format it happens to be where you are, is a little confusing and very unpredictable. We're crossing our fingers that this part of life, at least, can go back to ‘normal’.

We were all a little foggy and confused this month, and we invite you to just step back for a second… and breathe. At Admin Slayer, just like in your business, we’ve been running about, welcoming everyone back from holidays, and executing all those new ideas that entrepreneurs like to come up with when they’re resting. 

Just like you, we’re trying to do everything all at once, and we often forget that there’s a significant difference between “urgent” and “important”. The Eisenhower Matrix, which helps you think these through, is a great tool to help you learn the difference and apply it to your life. 

This month, we’d like to invite you to stop and think about the various things falling into the “urgent” category in your world. We want you to ask yourself a few questions about each one:

  • Where did the urgency come from?  Is it you? Is it someone else? What would actually happen if it was delayed a little longer? 

  • Does the deadline exist simply because a deadline was needed so that no one forgets? Or, does the deadline exist because real, necessary things must happen in a certain timeline?

  • How important is completing this activity, when you place it side-by-side with the key priorities you have? 

Around here, when we review our to-do lists, we like to remind ourselves that if we’re not having fun and making money, we need to reassess our priorities. Ideally, it’s both, but we’ll take at least one.

In your own business, what are the two key, easily understood metrics that would help you assess the reality of the urgencies that are being placed on your list? We don’t always have to tackle the items today if they can be pushed off until tomorrow. We’re not encouraging procrastination, per se, just a little balance. What would happen - really - if you gave them lower priority?

Speaking of priorities, where on your list do relationships land? No, we’re not talking about your love life (trust us, we are far from experts). We’re talking about those important relationships that help drive you and your business forward... the relationships that create the momentum and, if you’re lucky, a good chunk of the joy in your life. 

It’s easy to let these things slide when there’s so much “doing” to do, but we encourage you - especially right now - to think about your relationships. How can you create more of them? How can you develop them? How can you sustain them?

Luckily enough, we’ve decided to write about that this month. Click here for our insight on the care and feeding of your business relationships - so that they care for and feed you!

 Find us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We can’t wait to hear from you!