Admin Slayer™

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A Day in the Life

...of Cheri

6:45 am - Alarm goes off, time to get up! Who am I kidding? Snooze and wait for the next alarm...

6:45 - 7:15 am - An unending cycle of snoozing the alarm and praying for 5 more minutes of sleep.

7:15 am - Time to get up and wrangle the kids for school - this includes trying to nudge my husband awake (he sleeps like the dead) to ask him to help with the aforementioned wrangling. Chances are he will completely ignore me.

7:30 am - OMG we have to get up for real - everyone is going to be late for school! Hop out of bed and run around the house like a crazy person calling all three kids to hurry up and get dressed. There may or may not be a lot of frantic yelling for the next 30 minutes or so.

7:45 am - Making lunches, feeding kids breakfast, packing backpacks. There is a significant amount of chaos and lots of reminding kids that they need socks, pants, hair brushed, teeth brushed etc.

7:51 am - Where are your …..? Insert here (socks, shoes, pants, homework, etc.) There is always something missing.

7:52 am - “Hurry up and finish your breakfast - you are going to be late.”

7:53 am - “I am not kidding… you need to go or you will be late!”

7:54 am - Hustle kids out the door and thank god it’s not snowsuit season!!

7:55 am - Peace…. And coffee!!

8:00 am - Do chores on my cleaning schedule. 20-30 minutes in the morning everyday makes it so I don’t have to spend all my evenings/weekends cleaning.

8:20 am - Workday starts. I’m sitting at my desk in the corner of my bedroom, starting to make a to do list of my tasks for the day.

8:25 am - Husband wakes up - asks where kids are and gets ready for work. I make my to do list (on paper) and check email. This takes some time because between personal and business clients, I monitor about 7 different email accounts.

8:45 am - Login to Slack for the day and check what’s up with the team and various clients. If needed, add tasks to my to do list.

8:55 am - Login to Tsheets and get started on my first client. This could be anything from website updates with Wordpress, to creating newsletter content using Active Campaign.

9:15 am - Create social media images for clients and Admin Slayer using Adobe Creative Cloud.

9:30 am - Husband is headed out the door and I grab a second cup of coffee, diving into more in depth tasks. Depending on my client load and current projects, this could be anything from investigating new CRM or software for clients to performing email or website migrations.

10:00 am - Have a Zoom call with my team for Client A. Review new procedures and give training on CoachAccountable. This is a software I’ve helped implement for a training program Client A is trying to launch. Once the call is completed, perform any follow up tasks that came up as a result of the call.

11:00 am - Create some documents and variable lists for Client B, using Closing Folders. This particular software is a legal software and is used to generate legal documents. My role is to help generate the legal documents and update different components of the software that are needed to render finalized documents for signature.

12:00 pm - Ooh I’m hungry... time for lunch.

12:30 pm - Pick up where I left off. Could be more tasks in CoachAccountable, more graphic design, more technical jobs, or more Closing Folders. Kind of depends on the day, current projects and current workload. Also check in with team on Slack again to see how everyone else is doing.

2:30 pm - Look at the clock and wonder where the day has gone. Start wrapping things up, since the kids will be home soon. Create a to do list for the morning, making note of any tasks left over from today.

2:45 pm - Try to sneak a shower before the kids get home.

3:00 pm - Kids burst through the door, home from school. Mild chaos ensues while we unpack lunches and backpacks for three kids. Several reminders to middle child, that “we don’t just drop our coats and backpacks at the front door, we put them away in their place.” Mild tantrum and lots of “it’s not fair’s” and “but mom’s!”

3:05 pm - Kids are hangry….. Note to self: finish work 15 minutes sooner tomorrow to have a snack ready for them when they come in. (Next day I completely ignore the note to self, but I am hopeful that one of these days I will remember.)

3:30 pm - Everyone is unpacked and fed. Make kids do homework if they have any. Otherwise let them play for a bit. Meanwhile I unload the dishwasher and/or sweep the kitchen, thinking about what’s for dinner and daydreaming about having a live-in maid and cook.

4:00 pm - Reality sets in - I have to make dinner. Sometimes I get help from kids. Most times I don’t.

5:00 pm - “Dinner was awesome mom!!” I have the rare breed of children that eat pretty much anything I make and actually tell me how much they enjoy it. They are all 10 and under, but they eat like linebackers. God help my grocery bill when they are teenagers.

Sometimes hubby is home for dinner, but often he gets home later and ends up with whatever scraps the children have decided to leave him. I make a valiant effort to keep the food vultures (aka the kids) and the inside raccoon (our cat) away from his plate.

6:00 pm - Depending on the night, the kids might have extra curricular activities. If hubby is home he drives them, otherwise I drop them off. If it’s a night with no activities, the kids are probably out on their bikes with friends and I get to sit down and relax finally.

6:30 - 8:30 pm - Downtime. Probably watch some TV, hang with the hubby, and generally take it easy.

8:30 pm - Shower time for the kids. Convince them all to shower, brush teeth and be in bed by 9:30.

9:30 pm - Eat the good snacks I hide from the kids. Probably do this on my couch, in my jammies, while I watch TV.

10:30 pm - Off to bed