Yep - it’s September next week. 

We used to think of September being kind of a new year in Canadian minds, with children returning to school and most people being back from summer holidays. We think we’re going to be inundated with messages and projects from all these sharp-minded people who are ready to go, and wonder why we’re still bleary-eyed and trying to get our brains straight. 

It’s worth recognizing, however, that everyone else who is running on the same kind of schedule is just as bleary-eyed, dealing with the same stressors around back-to-school (if they have children in school). They’re also trying to get their brains straight and answer their emails. 

You don’t have to pretend you’re ready for something when you’re not. 

One of the best things about being a business owner is that you decide what your day, week, month, and year looks like. Yes, of course, there are expectations from your clients and customers based on their own timelines. There are deadlines that you’ve put together before you headed into your summer.

Before you throw yourself heavily into trying to be all things to all the people you serve, we invite you to stop and just… have a little check-in with yourself. What’s actually going to be possible at your current energy levels? What can you do to map out your next few weeks so that it’s a great re-entry into working in your best place and not burn-out territory? What did you learn about yourself over the last few weeks that you can incorporate into how you’ll work now, and even how you’ll plan for this time next year? 

At the same time, we know you’re thinking about your finances. You’re in business - of course you’re thinking about finances. You may need to recover from a long drought brought on by the pandemic, or, if you are the driver of revenues in your business, just recovering from reduced income during your holidays may be important. We’ve been talking about all kinds of recovery throughout this year, and now is a great time - as you head into the final stretch of the year - to really plan your finances for these last few months. You don’t want to get caught with a massive tax bill at the end of the year, or be unable to pay rent or make payroll. We’ve got some ideas about how to plan ahead for that, right here, in this month’s recovery article on financial systems!

Systems, once you have them, need design, maintenance, and upkeep. That’s where Admin Slayer - and our Methodical Slayer, Sam - comes in! Sam is an incredibly inquisitive, thoughtful slayer who gets the concept of business ecosystems - and she wants to make yours so much more efficient. Click here to read all about Sam, a critical thinker with a keen eye for systems.

Enjoy the last few weeks of your summer!

Your Admin Slayer Team!

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