A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Slayer extraordinaire since 2017, Margaret walks us through her typical day - a finely coordinated dance of family and client activities, carefully orchestrated by her undeniable talent!

Considering a Remote Workforce?

Considering a Remote Workforce?

Each business has its unique culture, workforce, and workstyle - all things to take into account if considering a remote workforce. If you’re on the fence, let me give you some pros (I’m assuming you're on the fence because you already have the “cons” in your head).

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Curious how our “Versatile Slayer” spends her day? From starting the day with a little kitty love, to ending it with some wedding planning, Rowan has a whole pocket full of tools and systems to help her show up ready to slay.

Stories from the Other Side

Stories from the Other Side

In our latest client feature article, we are thrilled to introduce you to Rachel Weinstein, Executive Coach. Discover how Rachel was able to bring back work-life balance with the help of our wonderful team.

Building Your Team

Building Your Team

Are you at that crossroad where you’re too busy for your own sanity, and probably busy enough to bring on someone to share the workload? The best thing you can do for your business is to hire well, train well, and support well. Let us show you what we’ve learned about building great teams.

Have you met... Lindsey?

Have you met... Lindsey?

Since joining Admin Slayer in November 2022, Lindsey has made her mark as a dynamic member and valued contributor to the team. It’s definitely time for you to meet her.

Have you met... Mia?

Have you met... Mia?

Mia joined Admin Slayer as a specialist in writing and proofreading, after retiring from her teaching career and wanting some casual work. Being a lifelong lover of learning and always up for a challenge, Mia brings a high level of professionalism to any written product internally or for our clients.

Stories from the Other Side

Stories from the Other Side

In this client feature article, we are delighted to introduce you to Kathryn Mandelcorn, a seasoned Certified Money Coach and Financial Planner who leads Mindful Money. Experience the power of collaboration between Mindful Money and Admin Slayer in redefining the landscape of financial well-being.

Time Blocking

Time Blocking

We hear the same request time and again: “help me gain control of my life”. It’s exactly what our Slayers are so amazing at. With a Slayer as your gatekeeper, keeping you on track, reminding you that it’s time to say “no”, you can make the best use of your capacity and your energy.

Have you met... Margaret?

Have you met... Margaret?

Meet our amazing Margaret! A Team Lead at Admin Slayer, she excels in organization and scheduling. Margaret's superpower is adaptability - effortlessly navigating changing situations.

Embracing the Island Life - Slayer Style

Embracing the Island Life - Slayer Style

Earlier this month, Slayers ventured to beautiful Bowen Island, BC for our annual Admin Slayer Retreat. From a memorable hike with goats, inspiring work sessions, a grounding yoga class, and slayer-after-dark game nights, our time together was filled with laughter and much needed in-person connections.

Becoming an Expert Delegator

Becoming an Expert Delegator

We know that when a business owner uses our team effectively, we make them money. Learning how to delegate takes some practice and dedication but it’s the key to scaling your business and giving you more time to do what you love.

Your Ideal Virtual Assistant

Your Ideal Virtual Assistant

You may be surprised to find out that your original ‘must-haves’ turn out to be less important than you thought. Or even, what you would have assumed was unnecessary or even detrimental, is actually the thing you never knew you wanted.

Stories from the Other Side

Stories from the Other Side

We are delighted to share with you a client highlight featuring Victoria Gay, a social impact consultant working with nonprofits to help them effectively achieve their mission by giving them the tools to succeed. Learn more about Victoria and how Admin Slayer has helped her make an impact. 

Communication Strategies for Building Strong Teams

Communication Strategies for Building Strong Teams

Do you think you're good at communicating with others? Effective communication is essential in all aspects of life, whether it's at work, with friends or with family. But what does it take to communicate efficiently with your team? In this article, we explore those critical skills.  

Introducing Dada Dunia (Sisters of the World)

Introducing Dada Dunia (Sisters of the World)

Dada Dunia is a community organization founded by Slayer alum Jayne Akinyi that aims to provide mentorship, training and sustainable virtual assistant jobs for women in developing countries. Read on to learn about Jayne’s plan to create a positive, long-lasting ripple effect on their lives and communities.

Have you met... Rowan?

Have you met... Rowan?

Our spotlight this quarter shines on our Versatile Slayer, Rowan! Rowan is an adaptable Slayer who effortlessly dives deep into the processes her clients have set up and is quick to suggest better solutions for tasks, maintaining pro-activity at the forefront of her values. Her positive attitude, openness to change, and flexibility have made her a reliable and valuable Slayer.

Burnout and Stress Management

Burnout and Stress Management

This month we’re highlighting an important discussion: Burnout. It isn’t a sudden shift, like food poisoning from that poor decision you made last night. It creeps up on you over time, because it took time to create. Sadly, it also takes time to return from it and, as a business owner, the last thing you have is time.

Your Resilient Technology

Your Resilient Technology

Having your head in the sand and hoping nothing will go wrong is never the right answer. If you haven’t seriously thought about the technological risks to your business, here are some basics to get you started.