Institutional Memory: Recovery and Retention

Institutional Memory: Recovery and Retention

You have built your business with the knowledge, skills and expertise of the people around you. Understanding Institutional Memory is an incredibly important tool to build trust, collaboration and inevitably grow your business.

May Update

May Update

In our May update we invite you to think about using our theme of recovery in regards to your staffing process. We also invite you to take a listen to our CEO, Julia, on Robyn Crane’s podcast Growing Your Financial Business… The Woman’s Way, and wishing you a happy Mother’s day.

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Spend a day with one of Admin Slayer’s Co-Founders, Tracey! As our designated info and data gatherer, Tracey has a lot on her plate! Yet she still manages to spend time outside, cook a nice meal, and watch some of her favourite tv show.

Your Staffing Process: Checking In

Your Staffing Process: Checking In

This month we’re approaching our theme of recovery with a component that is vital to every business: Staffing. We’re laying out how to check in with your staffing process, and consider aspects of the process such as reflecting on what kind of help you need, and what kind of staff you want.

April Update

April Update

The first quarter of 2021 is behind you. If you haven’t stopped for a minute to take stock of how far you’ve come, we promise you it’s not too late. This April we’re covering how and when you should pivot, introducing you to our branding slayer, Sabrina, and we’re celebrating Admin Professionals Day!

Is It Time For a Pivot?

Is It Time For a Pivot?

This month’s feature article talks about pivoting your business in a better direction. Asking yourself the right questions, learning when and how to take a leap to a different path that better suits your lifestyle, goals, and quality of life.

March Update

March Update

Is it Spring yet? It’s been a long, long winter. We’ll have had three months to get to know 2021 really, really well, to figure out if the direction that we started pointing our business compass is making sense - and then a whole new quarter starts next month.

Conference Calls: Recovery Communications

Conference Calls: Recovery Communications

Meeting virtually has become the new normal for everyone and we have all had to adapt to this change because communication is vital for a successful business. Over the years, we have learned a thing or two about effective online meetings and we’d love to share these with you.

February Update

February Update

This month we’re sharing our thoughts on Recovery Leadership. We’ve shared TWO great guest articles for your reading pleasure about inner leadership and significant shifts that have been made in the way we work since the pandemic started and what it means for you as a leader. Enjoy!

Leadership Starts With YOU

Leadership Starts With YOU

This month, we’re talking about how we define leadership. Extinguishing the fire of self-criticism and allowing ourselves to make mistakes, learn, and be imperfect. Embracing the bumps and cracks in our paths and learning to become a better and kinder leader to ourselves and others.

Being Flexible About Flexibility

Being Flexible About Flexibility

Change is scary. Learning go with the flow is important if we want to continue to grow, find new opportunities, and stay ahead of the game. The recent pandemic has shown us just how much we can easily do this with businesses forced to transition to remote work.

Recovery Leadership

Recovery Leadership

Great leadership starts with a ridiculous amount of self-reflection. This month’s feature article is all about learning about yourself and utilizing your leadership toolkit.

January Update

January Update

To start the year off right we introduce our theme: Recovery. Start moving forward from a harsh, painful year by focusing on our healing and recovery. And of course, this month you will meet Kristi and see how she manages multiple roles as a mother, wife, and slayer!

Crisis Recovery: Taking Stock

Crisis Recovery: Taking Stock

Now that 2020 is behind us, we can finally look at a fresh start and focus on our recovery. Admin Sayer would love to introduce to you our theme for the year: Crisis Recovery. We will help you take everything you learned to strengthen your business, and yourself.

December Update

December Update

This holiday season, we are celebrating the resilience of everyone for making it through such a tough year. We rounded up all of this year’s case studies that inspire resilience and are sharing a list of motivating books recommended by successful entrepreneurs.

2020 Entrepreneurs' Holiday Reading List

2020 Entrepreneurs' Holiday Reading List

With the holidays closing in, we wanted to share with you this special holiday reading list. We asked successful entrepreneurs their recommended reads and this is what they shared with us. We hope you enjoy it!

2020 Wrap Up: A Year of Amazing Client Stories

2020 Wrap Up: A Year of Amazing Client Stories

This month, we recollect all of the stories that represent the resilience of our amazing clients and team members despite the many unprecedented events that had happened this year. With 2021 on its way, we hope to share more of these inspiring stories in the future with you.

November Update

November Update

It’s the Holiday Season! With an endless number of ways to connect, from giving out holiday cards to donating to your favourite charity, no pandemic can stop us. We’re sharing with you a story this month about how the team helped a client create a strategy to strengthen their social media presence, a sneak peek of what a virtual assistant’s life looks like, and more!

A Day in the Life

Carla shares a day in her life as a mom, partner, volunteer, civilian drummer with 8 Wings Pipe and Drums, and Slayer!